Initials & Monograms
Options & Etiquette

Single Initial Two Initials Three Initials Monogram


Single Initial:
A single initial can be used to represent the first name of an individual or the last name (individual or couple with same last name).
Someone named Elizabeth Jones may choose to use an E or a J.  For a couple named Elizabeth and Mark Jones, they may choose to use a J.

Double Initial:
A double initial can be used to represent the first and last name of an individual or the first names of a couple (less common and typically used if a couple has different last names.
Someone named Elizabeth Jones would use EJ.  For a couple named Elizabeth Jones and Mark Smith, they may choose to use EM.

Three Initials:
This option is used for ONE person and represents the individual's first, middle and last name initials.  They are printed in all the same size and appear in the order of first, middle, last.  So someone named Elizabeth June Harris would have initials like this:



Monograms for INDIVIDUALS:
When printing a monogram for ONE person, the format would typically be
                First Initial    Last Initial    Middle Initial.
So for someone named Jennifer Elizabeth Tucker, her monogram would be: 


Monograms for COUPLES:
When printing a monogram for a MARRIED couple, the format would typically be
      First Initial of wife    Last Name Initial    First Initial of husband
So for someone named Elizabeth married to Mark with a last name of Harris, their monogram would be: 




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